【雙語】你好!中國| 旅遊達人徐霞客:用腳步測量中國

【雙語】你好!中國| 旅遊達人徐霞客:用腳步測量中國

【雙語】你好!中國| 旅遊達人徐霞客:用腳步測量中國

Nihao! China 文旅中國 2023-12-30 

明代地理學家、旅行家和文學家徐霞客一生志在四方,足跡遍及今21個省、市、自治區,“達人所之未達,探人所之未知”,所到之處,探幽尋秘,並記有遊記,記錄觀察到的各種現象、人文、地理、動植物等狀況。。 the hidden and mysterious, documenting observations of various phenomena, humanities, geography, flora, and fauna in his travelogues.

而徐霞客的旅行,並不是以休閒觀光為目的,更重徐霞客的遊歷,並不是單純為了尋奇訪勝,更重要的是為了探索大自然的奧秘,尋找大自然的規律。他在山脈、水道、地質和地形等方面的調查和研究都取得了超越前人的成就。Xu Xiake’s journeys were not for leisure sightseeing; rather, his travels were focused on exploration of the strange and spectacular. He sought to unravel the mysteries of nature and disco vest laws. infore ations laws. those of his predecessors.

經過30年遊歷考察,撰成60萬字的地理名著《徐霞客遊記》。《徐霞客遊記》開篇之日(5月19日)被定為中國旅遊日。After 30 years of exploration, he compiled a geographical masterpiece, Xu Xiake’s Travels, totaling 600,000 words. The opening day of Xu Xiake’s Travels (May 19) is designated as China Tourism Day.